Collective Agreements
Most employees of the members of the Danish Association of Architectural Firms are covered by one of the collective agreements concluded with the Danish Union of Architects and Designers (FAOD), the Danish academic trade union representing students and post-graduates in the fields of nature, environment and food science (JA), the Danish Association of Constructing Architects (KF) and The Danish Association of Professional Technicians (TL).
The employees include architects, landscape architects, constructing architects and technical designers. Interns are not a part of the collective agreement.
The collective agreements regulate most terms and conditions that apply to the employment relationship between the employer and the employee. This applies to e.g. rules on pay, pension, supplementary training and seniority.
The employees are covered by three different collective agreements.
The collective agreement with FAOD and JA is translated into English and comprises:
a) Academic architects with a master’s degree from either the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK)
or the Aarhus School of Architecture (cand.arch.)
b) Architects whose academic degrees from educational institutions in other EU member states meet the
requirements on mutual recognition of examination certificates in accordance with EU Directive
2005/36/EC with later amendments
c) Architects who, without meeting the conditions of letter a or b, have been accepted as members of the
Danish Architects’ Association before April 1, 2005
d) Landscape architects with a master’s degree from the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Science
(KU-SCIENCE) and corresponding degrees from Norway and Sweden
e) Civil engineers (M.Sc.) in architecture and design (cand.polyt. and cand.scient.techn.) from Aalborg
University (AAU)
f) Designers with a Danish master’s degree
See the Collective Agreement below.
Maria Kiersgaard Frisch
Senior Consultant at DI, Lawyer
P +45 3377 3395
Trine Labuhn
Senior Consultant at DI, Lawyer
P +45 3377 3551
Sofie Rosenkrantz
Senior Consultant at DI, Lawyer
P +45 3377 3046
Victoria Xenia Riis
Consultant at DI
P +45 3377 3750