Marthagården is an independent child care centre under the Danish Deaconess Foundation. It was renovated during the period 2013-2014 and a new extension was made. The architectural firm behind the design is Lendager Group.
“We already see a major difference between then and now. Children thrive here – both outside on the playground and inside. The parents also spend time here, and sometimes the children do not even want to go home – the new environment is a real success.” Ingrid Fuglseth Jensen, General Manager of Marthagården, Magasinet Træ, November 2014
Climate & Economics
One of the objectives of Marthagården’s new extension was to keep the heating costs down. Using natural ventilation, passive solar heating and photovoltaics on the roof, Lendager Group managed to create a low-energy building that meets the requirements for low-energy class 2015. At the same time, Marthagården got more square metres and reduced its operating costs as no energy is needed to heat and cool the building.
Identity & CO2 Footprint
According to Lendager Group, Marthagården is mainly made of organic and recycled materials. The recycling mindset is part of the kindergarten’s philosophy and everyday life, and the excess materials from the modernisation of the existing buildings have been used in the new extensions. In addition to supporting the centre’s philosophy, this has significantly reduced the carbon footprint of the extension. Moreover, the physical environment helps teach the children what it means to have a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in contact with nature. Along with the building work, six tonnes of wooden furniture were renovated and reused instead of discarding them and using new materials.
“Some of the old doors, frames and skirting boards were reused and readjusted insofar as they did not have environmentally harmful coatings. In the same way, the old furniture was repaired and revamped with a new coat of paint. It has been exiting to work with sustainability, reuse and recycling, and we also learned a lesson or two in the process.”, Jan Birch Nielsen, Master Carpenter at construction company Villy Jønsson, Magasinet Træ, November 2014

About the case
Marthagården is made from environmentally friendly and breathable materials which create a healthy indoor climate for the children and tell the story of the centre’s green everyday philosophy. The existing space between the buildings has been reused to connect the existing buildings to the extension around the corridor area, creating a new distinct architecture with small ‘houses’, new outdoor areas and common spaces which provide sun, shade and shelter. At the heart of the centre is the focal point ‘The Healthy Kitchen’. Here the children take part in the organic cooking, waste separation, growing of fruits and vegetables and composting.