Røsnæs Rundt
The Røsnæs Rundt project is a coastal route with 13 physical landmarks, including the two major ones, Nature Room and the Maritime Activity House, which are all established on the peninsula of Røsnæs in western Zealand. The route stages the magnificent scenery of the area and provides visitors with new opportunities of experiencing the unique enjoyment values of the promontory. The project was realised during the period from 2012 to 2016 through close collaboration between local citizens, Kalundborg Municipality, Spektrum Arkitekter and Røsnæs Udvikling and Beboerforening. Parts of the project are still in the development phase and are expected to be completed in 2018.
”The ‘Røsnæs Rundt’ project enjoys much recognition, not only locally, but everyone who knows of the project praises it to the skies and is impressed by the extensive work carried out by volunteers in close collaboration with Spektrum Arkitekter and Kalundborg Municipality.” Troels Birk Kristoffersen, chairman of Røsnæs Udvikling & Beboerforening, June 2017
Tourism & Branding
The Røsnæs area is highlighted by Kalundborg Municipality as one of the most popular tourist attractions in the municipality, and in this connection, the Røsnæs Rundt project is an important promoter and communicator of the area which makes the cultural-historical and landscape attractions accessible. The project has given Røsnæs very positive media coverage, and far more visitors stop by the peninsula than ever before. According to Røsnæs Udvikling og Beboerforening, visitor numbers at the Røsnæs Fyr lighthouse increased by 25 % from 2014 to 2015. On 13 June 2017, Her Majesty The Queen visited the ‘The Nature Room’ and ‘The Maritime Activity House’ on the coastal route Røsnæs Rundt on her annual summer cruise. On 28 June 2017, Troels Birk Kristoffersen, chairman of Røsnæs Udvikling- og Beboerforening, said the following to the Danish Association of Architectural Firms about the importance of the visit of Her Majesty The Queen to the residents of Røsnæs:
“That is probably the highest recognition you can get. During the visit, Røsnæs got invaluable exposure and press coverage as the media were massively present during the entire visit. The residents of Røsnæs participated actively in the Queen’s visit by being present along the roads and at the places she visited. Moreover, many residents had raised the flag for the occasion, trimmed their hedges and cut the grass along the roads to present Røsnæs from its best side.”
Thanks to the Maritime Activity House at the harbour which opened in 2016, activities that were not possible before can now take place for the benefit of the local residents and visitors. The winter swimmer association, Røsnæs Vinterbader4400, is an example of an association that has really felt the positive development after the opening of the activity house. The number of members has increased significantly as the chairman of Røsnæs Udvikling og Beboerfoening, Troels Birk Kristoffersen, tells the Danish Association of Architectural Firms:
“We have got a whole new outdoor life at Røsnæs Harbour thanks to the new Maritime Activity House. The winter swimmers have been extremely happy about the new facilities, and the group of winter swimmers has increased from about 12 members when the activity house opened to about 150 members today. That says something about the new outdoor life. Moreover, a new sea kayaking club started in the late summer of 2016 with a kayaking instructor. About 85 persons have indicated an interest in becoming members, and the kayaking club currently has about 20 active members.”
Local Roots & Collaboration
Røsnæs Rundt is the result of an initiative from Røsnæs Udvikling og Beboerforening, and the project was carried out in close collaboration between the association, the residents of Røsnæs, Kalundborg Municipality and Spektrum Arkitekter. Røsnæs Rundt is a strong example of how fruitful collaboration between local enthusiasts, consultants and the municipality can create local development and communicate experiences that attract visitors and boost the interest in Denmark’s natural treasures. The project has brought together the local population of Røsnæs, and they are proud of the project and its success. On 3 April 2017, Deputy Chairman of Røsnæs Udvikling og Beboerforening, Mogens Anholm said the following to the Danish Association of Architectural Firms about the project collaboration:
“Spektrum Arkitekter has done an amazing job staging nature in the Røsnæs Rundt project in a very exciting and vivid way. They have highlighted the local virtues of which we have so many at Røsnæs. The idea came from volunteers, and the project was carried out in close dialogue with Spektrum Arkitekter. Spektrum Arkitekter has served as great catalysts between the local population, funds and the municipalities. Together with us, they have created Røsnæs Rundt, which has been warmly welcomed by the local residents and all of our visitors. We are proud to show the project, and a new dimension has been added to the nature surrounding us.”

About the case
Røsnæs is one of two promontories which make up Kalundborg Fjord. Røsnæs Rundt consists of a coastal route with 13 landmarks, including the two major ones, Nature Room and the Maritime Activity House. The landmarks are placed along the two coasts of Røsnæs and set the stage for, communicate and make accessible specially selected places and stories along the coast. The Nature Room at Røsnæs is a portal welcoming visitors to the unique landscape of Røsnæs and which communicates the numerous possibilities of nature and cultural experiences in the area. The building joins the landscape, shows due consideration for the nature of the landscape and stages the potentials of the place and houses information, common space, toilet, storage and lending of equipment, etc. The Maritime Activity House is what is known as a ‘blue support point’ on the coastal route, supporting yachting and the maritime life in the harbour for the benefits of students, anglers, water sports people and other people interested in the nature and the sea.